
Julie’s Story

In 1972, a baby girl was born to Pastor Matthew and his wife, Julienne, in a remote village in the middle of the continent of Africa: Central African Republic.   

After Julie’s biological mother died a few hours after following childbirth, the midwives and those in attendance agreed to adhere to the tradition of burying a newborn with its mother. So, Julie was being prepared to be buried alive alongside her mother. Someone advised the missionary clinic, located about a day's walk away, about Julie’s predicament.

As God would have it, the clinic at the missionary compound offered pediatric care and support to Julie.  Two single ladies, Mae Allen and Edie Wotherspoon were given consent to care for the baby by Pastor Matthew, Julie’s father.  A few years later, Mae Allen officially adopted Julie while continuing her medical work in Central African Republic. 

Julie met and married Cyrus Mad-Bando in 1989.  Cyrus, Julie and their four-year-old daughter relocated to Ohio, where Cyrus became the pastor of the church that sent and sponsored Mae in her missionary work in Africa. When Cyrus took a new position in Virginia, Mae moved with the family, as well. 

Three months after Cyrus and Julie moved to Virginia, their youngest daughter, Irene, drowned in a swimming pool accident. The ministry of Julie’s Heart Cry was born out of the lessons Julie learned from the death of Irene and the many other ways that God has shown His grace in Julie’s life.  Cyrus and Julie currently live in Virginia with their two adult children and their two grandsons.

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